The Mechanicals

Francis Flute the bellows mender (Tim Downey), Snug the joiner (Diana DeLaCruz) and Tom Snout the tinker (Leah Emmerich, partly hidden) wait to get their parts.

All the pictures on this page are copyright by Haldun Tihan.

Peter Quince (John Pepi) announces that the play will be Pyramus and Thisbe. Snug (Diana DeLaCruz) and Nick Bottom (Justin Tyler) are rapt. Flute (Tim Downey) is looking through his script. Robin Starveling (James Ryan Caldwell) is behind Peter Quince.

Nick Bottom (Justin Tyler) demonstrates how he would play a tyrant while Robin Starveling (James Ryan Caldwell) and Peter Quince (John Pepi) look on admiringly.

Casting is done. Bottom (Justin Tyler) is wondering what color beard he should wear as Pyramus. Snug (Diana DeLaCruz) is relieved to learn that her part is all roaring. Flute (Tim Downey) is not happy to have been cast as Thisbe, and is already plotting his revenge.

DREAM                     RÉSUMÉ            ACTING SHAKESPEARE'S VERSE